Helps you choose foods that will get you into fat burning mode the fastest so you can lose those pounds and inches!
Getting Started food list, 7 Day food plan with grocery list, food tracker sheets, meal planner sheets, measurement tracker, carb count sheets, tips and tricks to get you through those first crucial days and beyond!
The #1 key to success on the Keto Diet is keeping a journal! Professional Journal pages you can print over and over again as you need them!
You've heard amazing things about Keto from friends and magazines and how it's helped thousands of people:
But every time you think about it, even just the basic info is so overwhelming you end up giving up before you even get started?
And does it seem like everyone wants you to buy special foods and supplements that are too expensive?!
What if I told you that you can do Keto with no special foods and no expensive program?
My Keto Getting Started Starter Kit is going to help you:
One month from today, you could feel so good ... Just imagine it. Get your life back starting today!
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